Tuesday, March 23, 2010

'Behind the Bell'


"Saved By The Bell" was one of the cheesiest shows in the history of television, but I don’t think I’m going out on a limb here when I say it was also one of the most beloved.

Don’t roll your eyes! You all watched it. All the boys had crushes on Kelly Kapowski and the girls argued over who was hotter Zack or Slater. We all thought Lisa was cute but maybe a bit asexual, and Jessie’s feminism was too “in your face” but she had legs that went all the way up to Ya Ya.

As for Samuel Screeh Powers, well, let's just say he may have been the most annoying TV character ever, right up there with Urkel. But, I must admit, I do remember laughing at some of his lame jokes. And I know you did, too.

"Saved By The Bell" was never “appointment viewing” or “Must See TV” but over the course of my lifetime, like many of you, I think I’ve seen EVERY episode.

I know most of the words to “Friends Forever.” I thought it was really strange when Jessie was addicted to caffeine pills and freaked out. I recall waaaay too many dance numbers that made you squirm in your seat yet smile at the same time. Remember Lisa’s sprained-ankle dance or Slater’s ballet number in the black unitard? Yeah, of course you do!

So, while I’m not embarrassed to call myself a fan of the show, I suppose I’m a little embarrassed to admit I just finished reading the book “Behind The Bell” by Dustin Diamond, aka Screech Powers (it was a fast read, took 2 hours).

It was marketed as a “tell all” – a behind-the-scenes look at what really went on when the cameras weren’t rolling.

Screech alleges in the book that everyone was sleeping together and that all the cast members (except Screech) were pot heads who smoked up during rehearsals and drank themselves silly on the weekends.

Years after the show ended, Lark Vorhies (Lisa) seemed distant toward men and flinched whenever she heard loud noises. While he never came out and said it, Screech alleges that she was possibly a battered woman.

Who knows what to believe and what not to? I, for one, am inclined to believe most of this. After all, when the show was filmed in the late 80s/early 90s, the cast was all teenagers. Of course they partied. Didn’t we all?

What bugged me most is that Dustin Diamond came off as the tattle-tale in school that nobody liked. But I am a little biased since I’ve always hated the character.

As some of you may know, late night talker Jimmy Fallon is trying to organize an on-air "Saved By The Bell" reunion. Pretty much everyone has signed on except for Screech who says he’s “too busy.” Perhaps Fallon should just read the book instead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about Not all readers are 30s or under.Have all of you been assigned to write a book review for this blog? If so, I suggest you watch a movie of some obscure book and then you may have a chance of writing a decent enough review Do not pick a movie based on a book many have read. Often the ending or parts of the movie are different than the book. Better yet, make up a book and then write a review of the imaginary book. Tell us it is out of print, or rare and you have one of only three copies and can't lend it out because it is valuable. Just a thought

March 23, 2010 at 1:54 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To poster above,
I'd like to do a review of your heinously-written comment. Missing periods, incomplete sentences and a bad attitude mark your little diatribe. These are hard-working journalists with full-time jobs who are doing a bit of extra work for no additional pay. This blog does not claim to be the New York Times Book Review. It is simply a forum for sharing thoughts about books that they have read -- any kind of books! If you think you can do better, why don't you submit a review to The Middletown Press and see if they post it? Until then, didn't your mother ever tell you, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!

March 24, 2010 at 12:50 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the person who wrote the first comment and I felt badly about it. I came back to repost and apologize but found this comment. Danka. We need reviews of comments. I am too old to have watched Saved By The Bell and have no clue what he is writing about. Now if you wanted a book written by Captain Kangaroo, and I have a signed one(!) I would bet you would not know what I was writing about. Bunny Rabbit, Grandfather Clock, etc. He had to sign all copies twice. Once as Capt. K and again with his real name ( I was shocked to learn he wasn't really a Captain Kangaroo... the horror!!!) it would be a different story. Kind of a reactive comment to my comment, wouldn't you say? To insult my typing and stuff, well, Miss Frances would look through her magic glass and say.... do be a do bee,don't be a don't bee. Chill or whatever it is you kids do these days.Yes, how very patronizing of me : )

March 25, 2010 at 5:38 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...


March 26, 2010 at 2:47 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember Captain Kangaroo, Mr. Green Jeans & Ranger Andy... the good old days :-)

March 30, 2010 at 3:26 PM 

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